Your First Float
Enjoy Your First Float For Only $69!
Floating for the first time is exciting! We walk you through everything you need to know. If you’ve never floated before or this is the first time you’ve floated at Ascend Float Spa, you can enjoy your first float for $69! We want you to have the very best experience for your first float and every float after that. On your first float, we’ll show you the ropes and how to make the most out of your float. Start investing in your own health and happiness. Call us today to book your first float!
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Feel free to cancel anytime with only 1 month notice.

Member floats may be shared with up to three authorized users!

All floats roll-over from month to month, so there’s no pressure.
“My joint stiffness and pain is virtually gone thanks to floating at Ascend.”
“Since I started floatation therapy I sleep noticeably better through the night.”